Friday, May 20, 2011

From caves to posts ...

Here is another picture I took on my outing in the big city. Can you guess what it is?

Hint - We were strolling on the university campus. I could see this all over the place. It's temporary yet always there.

 So here is goes - I became very aware of the numerous posters that were slapped on everywhere as we strolled through the university campus. They announced concerts, exhibitions, special lectures, and various language courses. Some people pasted their poster over other posters and others stapled them. You could see how often posters had been fully or partially removed. Posts were scratched, guey, messy, and laden with broken staples. It was colourful and interesting yet untidy. I suppose it's a sight we are used to and can walk by without noticing it unless we are we are in that space where we are more conscious of our surroundings.

This is a picture of a section of a post with its 'leftovers'. The renmants appear to have melded and become matter of their own with tidbits of history still present. It resembles prehistoric cave walls with renmants of animal paintings. It kind of makes sense when you think about it. Cavemen were preoccupied with survival and at that time hunting, family, and fire were the main focus. These days people focus on education as a means of survival. The 'mental' has taken over  the 'physical'.

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