Ladybugs are just so cute!
They travel, sometimes unnoticed, from flower to tree. They always seem to be busy yet don't have that nervous fluttering energy I find with bees and wasps. Besides - they don't bite!
As a child, we'd make wishes when we'd find a ladybug. All you had to do was put it on your index, extend your arm out, spin on one foot and quickly make a full turn while making a wish. Your wish would come true if the ladybug flew away.

Butterflies, on the other hand, represent the eluding freedom that many of us long for.
They flutter here and there, like many insects, yet they seem to have more grace and liberties. Their lives begin attached to the earth and then they morph into flight. Their lifespan is lived in two different forms - a bit magical and symbolic for some.
Butterflies are special for me. They symbolize my own transformation and ways. I too tend to flutter from one interest to another, continuously exploring life and my interaction with it. Ladybugs are also special because they remind me of childhood and innocence - simple and uncomplicated. My blog's name is inspired by butterflies - Pasha is my nickname and also a breed of butterfly and 'pillon' is the ending of the French word for butterflies 'Papillon'.
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